It was a very long drive from Yellowstone to California. We actually stopped just short of Reno, NV and slept for a few hours before continuing on to Grass Valley, CA. I have some family in Grass Valley, and we called them from about 10 minutes away at 8:30 in the morning to see if we could stop by and see them. They were enthusiastic about our visit, and even made breakfast for us! They were a real treat to see, one of the highlights of the trip!
After leaving them, we proceeded on to the bay area with our first stop being the John Muir national monument but found out that Saturday afternoon is not the time to visit. The small parking lot was full, and there was no where to park within several miles, so we decided to skip it. We ate lunch in the RV, and then headed out to find a place to stay for the night. City Ordinances prohibit staying in Wal-Mart parking lots, so we had to find a campground. The one we settled on is in Napa, and will be so much more comfortable.
Tomorrow, we'll head into the city to see Pier 39 and other touristy things.
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