… and New Mexico, and Arizona, and Colorado all at the same time. That’s right, we took a little side trip to the four-corners. There is not much there except the small monument with a marker in the middle. It’s a fun place to be because everyone is giggling and joking about being in different states than everyone else. We took a couple pictures, bought some Indian trinkets and continued on. Here’s a picture of the kids losing a game of twister … Right foot Arizona?!?

From there, we decided that it would be cool to see Arches National Park, so we headed north and a little bit back west to arrive late at night. It was hot and tough to sleep; there wasn’t enough gas in the tank to run the generator, and I was too lazy to drive down the street to get more until morning. On a side note, I discovered that there is an elevation adjustment on our generator. Some of you may be surprised that I didn’t know that before, but it sure explains some of the problems we were having in the mountains. At around 8,000 feet near the grand canyon, it wasn’t working even though we had plenty of gas, so I went out to tinker with it and discovered a little knob graduated between 0 and 10,000 feet. It was turned all the way down, and when I turned it to 8,000, the thing worked great!
In the morning, after filling up with Gas, we headed into the park, and did some great bouldering together as a family. It was a blast. Seeing the arches and balanced rocks was cool too. Morning was the time to be there because by noon, it started to get hot and get busy. We even got to see a big jack-rabbit, which apparently is a rare site during the day.

After the park, we went back into Moab to visit the Laundromat, shower, and drain our tanks. Now we’re on the road again towards Denver.

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